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Professionalism. Brotherhood. Leadership.

Registration for Spring 2025 Rush will open soon.

In the meantime we encourage you to sign up for a coffee chat to learn more about our brotherhood!




Second Time Rush Event | January 23rd 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM, Mann 102

Diversity Coffee Chats | January 24th 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM, Mac’s Café

Sophomore Summer Internship Panel | January 27th 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM, Malott 228

Breaking Into Business Clubs | January 27th, time and location TBD

Navigating Careers in Business as an Economics Major | January 27th, time and location TBD

Women’s Leadership Event | January 31st 4:30 PM - 7:00 PM, WSH Memorial Room

Information Session 1 | February 3rd 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM, MVR 1153 

Information Session 2 | February 4th 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM, MVR 1151


Applications Due | February 4th 11:59 PM


Round 1 | February 5th 

Round 2 | February 6th (by invitation only)

Final Round | February 11th (by invitation only)

Eligibility Requirements

  • Second semester freshman → First semester junior

  • GPA 2.7 or above 

  • Full-time student (12 credits)



Feel free to reach out to brothers for a coffee chat!

We highly encourage any potential new brother to reach out for a coffee chat before recruitment begins. A coffee chat is meant to be a casual meeting for potential new brothers to ask questions and are a great way to better understand the Fraternity in an informal environment. To reach out for a coffee chat, you can directly email a brother through the contact information found on our Brothers page, or feel free to request to be matched using the form to the below.

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